tfz Start-Up Insights – Be Up To Date & Collaborate...

A platform for innovative newcomers & experts with pioneering spirit  


Wednesday, 29th January 2025 in Cham (ZG)


Innovative ideas, disruptive technologies & business models on one side ...
Resources, experts & market know-how on the other side ...

tfz Start-Up Insights Be Up To Date & Collaborate brings both sides together.
Be inspired by innovative start-ups in different industries and discover new potentials for your expertise!


The focus of the 2025 event is on sustainability. All of the start-ups presenting are working on solutions that address the ecological and social challenges of our time. They use innovative technologies to develop environmentally friendly products, reduce CO2 emissions, use resources more efficiently and establish sustainable business models. The event offers a unique platform to create synergies between start-ups and established companies that want to shape a more sustainable future together.

Participation is free of charge for both the (expert) audience and start-ups.  

Advantages for start-up participants:

  •     Attention from innovation and technology-oriented companies through qualification for start-up insights and presentation platform for your company
  •     Insights into other start-ups;
  •     Contact opportunities with established companies and experts (if there is a match between the start-up's “collaboration need” and the established companies' “collaboration expertise”, there will be an initial meeting at the event)
  •     Last but not least: Everything is free for your start-up! Because we promote innovation.


Reasons (as a non-start-up) to take part in tfz Start-Up Insights:

1.  «Sustainability as a driver of innovation» 

Get inspiration for innovations, new business strategies or optimizations in your company. Be inspired by sustainable ideas and discover how you can make your company more innovative with new approaches to ecological and social sustainability. tfz Start-Up Insights presents eight sustainable solutions, eight future-proof business models, eight visionary changes that could shape the markets of tomorrow...

2.    «think outside the box» 

Enrich your everyday working life with new perspectives on sustainable technologies and processes. tfz Start-Up Insights offers new interpretations of green technologies and provides information on the benefits of working with start-ups that develop sustainable solutions...

3.    «Your network is your success»

Expand your network specifically in the field of sustainability. tfz Start-Up Insights combines numerous collaboration opportunities: between sustainable start-ups and established companies, within and across industries, with technical experts and interdisciplinary teams.... And targeted - through matching for collaboration tickets...


Expected program: 

At 08:30 am                         Reception & Coffee

09:00 am – 10:00 am           Inside Start-Ups: short presentations by the start-ups

10:15 am                              Insider-Talk

10:30 am – 11:30 am           Inside Start-Ups: short presentations by the start-ups

11:30 am – 1:30 pm               ♦  C-TALKS der Start-Ups 

                                              ♦  Collaboration Talks (mit terminiertem Collaboration Ticket)

                                              ♦  Lunch & Networking


Registration opens at the end of November!

Further information on the tfz website


If you are interested, please contact us via the tfz contact form or by email at info (at)

Organizer: tfz

Technology partner: CSEM