Innovative impulses and sustainability: 
tfz Start-Up Insights 2025 with Klima Charta Zug+

The tfz Start-Up Insights event took place on 29 January 2025 in collaboration with the Climate Charter Zug+ initiative. With a focus on sustainability, the event brought together visionary newcomers and established market players and opened up space for forward-looking collaborations.

Highlights des Events -  Inside Start-Ups:

In a series of short presentations, selected start-ups presented their ground-breaking innovations: from sustainable energy to autonomous technologies - the young visionaries impressively demonstrated how their solutions and technology can contribute to a more sustainable future.

Insider Talk:
A dynamic panel discussion with experienced leaders and industry experts shed light on the current and future potential of GreenTech start-ups. Topics such as special features of sustainable innovations, industry promotion and growth and the integration of sustainable solutions into existing markets were discussed.

Collaboration Talks & Exhibition:
The Collaboration Talks offered a unique opportunity to establish targeted networks. Customised discussions between start-ups and experts enabled synergies to be identified and potential partnerships to be initiated. This was complemented by an exhibition where other participants could also network with each other and with the start-ups. Klima Charta Zug+ provided information about its advisory services for Zug SMEs on climate-neutral business and the benefits for Zug companies of membership in the ever-growing Klima Charta Zug+ network.

Sustainability as a driver of innovation

The event emphasised that sustainability is not only a necessity, but also a strong driver of innovation. The business models presented and the event as a whole showed that the innovations of tomorrow also create ecological added value and are economically successful at the same time. 


Networking und collaboration in focus

Participants had the opportunity to get actively involved through the collaboration tickets and connect their expertise with the needs of the start-ups in a targeted manner. This led to an open exchange and showed impressively how new connections can be created that form the basis for sustainable collaboration.

All in all, tfz Start-Up Insights was a complete success and paved the way for innovative partnerships in the field of sustainability. Participants and start-ups returned to their day-to-day work with new ideas and, in some cases, concrete approaches for future projects.
The event was hosted in collaboration with Klima Charta Zug+ and organised in cooperation with tfz technology partner CSEM.  The tfz association is also supported by the tfz enabler Zuger Kantonalbank, the municipality of Cham and other sponsors and supporters. 
