Link to tfz Newsletter

the Newsletter is in German.


Imagine a world in which digital images are almost as complex and beautiful as reality. With the rapid development of artificial worlds, it is already possible to imagine where this journey will take us. The Zug Innovation Day on September 19, 2024 with the theme "Human" to "Human" - The Impact!" invites us to dive into this development together and discover the positive as well as challenging effects on our everyday business life.


Distinguishing real from false information will become more and more importance as it becomes increasingly difficult to verify the authenticity of data and information. This is where we need to use new technologies for verification and learn to think more critically. The ever easier access to powerful technological possibilities also increases the threat of cyber attacks. Companies must constantly develop their security strategies in order to protect their data. This involves not only technical measures, but also awareness-raising and training for employees, partners and customers.


Easy access to technological tools that were previously reserved for specialists is democratizing their use. Empowering all employees holds huge opportunities for companies. For example, artificial intelligence can analyze huge amounts of data and recognize patterns, thereby supporting and optimizing human decision-making processes, and we should take advantage of this. We at V-ZUG are also learning how to use AI every day. We are currently focusing on creating direct added value for our customers. All of these developments have a profound impact on our day-to-day business. Not only technical, but above all human aspects are being changed. They influence the way we communicate, collaborate and make decisions. This makes human exchange and collaboration all the more important so that digitalization can be used for the benefit and support of people. In this dynamic and challenging environment, the Technologie Forum Zug network is of great value. It provides a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience and supports companies in successfully navigating this rapidly changing landscape. We look forward to inspiring ideas and a lively exchange at the upcoming Innovation Day.


Join us and shape the future with us!


Adrian Theiler
tfz Vorstandsmitglied
